How are you, we doing?
Bad or Good?
And how can we do?
They say humans are lost?
Anyone says not?
They say there is no time?
Time for what?
The countdown?
So how can we count up?
Some want to misguide you/us!
Some want to use you/us!
Even misuse you/us!
Some want to definitely destroy you/us!
Hopefully there is someone to lift you/us up?
To empower you/us?
Embrace you/us?
Include you/us?
Well, well
We might feel lonely?
From time to time
Such an exclusive smorgasbord these unsettled times.
Looking for role models to rescue?!
A role model is a concept developed by Robert King Merton; who was a sociology professor at Columbia University and the father of modern sociology as well as creator of many concepts such as “unintended consequences”, “the reference group”, “role strain”, but he is perhaps best known for the terms “role model” and “self-fulfilling prophecy”.
My reflection in this is why for heaven´s sake should we look “out” for a role model?
Why can't we just simply look “in” for the same?
I imagine that looking “out” for an extrospective role model is a “self-killing” prophecy!
Keep going!